The pandemic has forced many of our clients and non-clients to leave their vacation home unoccupied for an unusual longer time than we normally experience.
Florida is home to rainy and humid weather, a perfect condition to grow mold when the humidity functionality of your air condition is not working properly. As well leaking spots inside your property are the number two leading issues.
Moisture is needed for mold to grow and it is aggressive in its survival capabilities, it will eat through wood, cardboard, tiles and many more materials. That's why at Homelax we recommend you to cool down your place properly even if you are not planning to visit.
We strongly emphasize to have a professional home watch company look after your property. A mold issues is a serious danger for your health, allergies and damages. It is very cost effective to call a mold-removal company to repair and clean up. Safety should always be your top priority, for yourself, your family and the condition of your home.
- Homelax
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